Responding to COVID-19

We are all aware of the current state of what is a Global Pandemic, At these times of uncertainty we felt it to be best to address this to our valued customers, staff and local communities.
At this moment in time it’s business as usual here at The Armstrongs Group, but we thought it is important for our customers and staff to know that we are prepared and taking the necessary precautions to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus.
We are following the daily updating government guidelines and the safety of our staff and customers is paramount. At present all our staff are reported fit and healthy, and actions have been taken to safeguard that. If any staff are reported to show any symptoms this will be dealt with in accordance to government recommendations. Likewise, we urge transparency from all our staff and customers , and ask to be notified immediately if they, anyone in their household- or anyone they have come into contact with- are diagnosed or showing symptoms of the virus.
We will be paying close attention to the daily government updates and if these are likely to disrupt our services customers will be contacted immediately to discuss the options available.
However, As part of the measures we have put in place to limit the impact of Covid-19 on the business we are asking our drivers to keep their contact with third parties to an absolute minimum.
In those circumstances (and for the foreseeable future) our drivers will not be asking customers to sign their delivery ticket to confirm delivery/receipt. All deliveries, however, are weighed on calibrated weighbridges in our quarries, concrete is weighed and measured as it is batched, these details are printed automatically onto the delivery ticket & the invoice thereby providing an alternative proof of delivery (POD).
I appreciate that some of our customers may require a POD signed by a member of their staff as part of their payment process; however, this will not be possible until further notice.
We will assume that you are happy to proceed on this basis and waive any relevant contractual requirement for a signed POD in the event that you order from us in the future.
Finally, We urge everyone to be kind in these times of uncertainty, Look out for one another and follow the governments daily updates and recommendations.
You can find more information on our business operations during the COVID-19 outbreak here on our website, or across our Social Media channels on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
The Armstrongs Group