Recycled Concrete Aggregate: Uses, Properties, and Benefits

Recycled concrete aggregate plays an important role in construction projects. From road construction to foundation work, RCA helps reduce waste, conserve natural resources, and promote environmentally friendly building practices.

At Armstrongs, we provide top-quality aggregate materials for a range of different applications, including RCA.  In this guide, we’ll be explaining exactly what recycled concrete aggregate is, what it’s used for and the benefits it has to offer.

What is Recycled Concrete Aggregate?

Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is a material derived from the crushing and processing of construction and demolition waste, primarily consisting of concrete. This material often includes other aggregate components such as sand, gravel, slag, and crushed stones. RCA is specifically classified as recycled concrete aggregate when the primary material used is concrete.

The production of RCA involves collecting and processing concrete waste from various sources, such as demolished buildings, roads, and bridges. This waste material is then crushed and refined to produce aggregate of a specific size and quality.

The result is a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to traditional quarried aggregates, helping to reduce the burden on landfill sites and preserve natural resources.

At Armstrongs, we take pride in producing high-quality RCA that meets stringent industry standards. Our commitment to quality and sustainability ensures that our recycled concrete aggregate is a reliable choice for your construction needs.

How is Recycled Concrete Aggregate Produced?

Collection and Sorting

The production of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) begins with muck away, the process of removing inert waste from various sites. Muck away can be classified into three categories: inert, hazardous and non-hazardous.

Inert muck away is waste that hasn’t gone through any chemical physical or biological changes and thus is less likely to affect any other matter that it comes into contact with. Inert muck away includes brick, concrete, hardcore soil and subsoil.

Hazardous muck away is defined as a gathering of waste that has properties that make it harmful to human health and the environment.

Non-hazardous materials can include a collection of different waste products that are considered not harmful to the environment and human life.

Once our tipper trucks are full of waste they will be transported to our inert landfill at Pilkington Quarry in Horwich. We separate the waste by classification of inert and Non-Hazardous waste. Inert waste such as soil is returned to the land. However, other materials such as brick and concrete are recycled.

Crushing Process

Once the concrete waste has been sorted and cleaned, it is fed into crushing machines. These machines use impact force to break down large chunks of concrete into smaller, more manageable pieces. The crushing process is typically carried out in stages, using different types of crushers to achieve the desired size and consistency.

Refining and Mixing

After the initial crushing, the material undergoes further refinement to remove any remaining impurities and to achieve a uniform size. The refined concrete is then mixed with other aggregate materials such as sand and gravel to create a product that meets specific engineering requirements.

This mixture enhances the consistency and density of the recycled concrete aggregate, ensuring it performs well in various construction applications.

Properties of Recycled Concrete Aggregate

Recycled concrete aggregate has several notable physical properties. It is available in various sizes, ranging from fine particles to larger chunks, allowing it to be used in a wide range of construction applications. The texture of RCA is generally rough, which can improve the bonding properties when used in concrete mixes.

In terms of durability, RCA is comparable to natural aggregates, making it suitable for load-bearing applications. Its strength characteristics depend on the quality of the original concrete and the thoroughness of the crushing and refining process.

Environmental Properties

One of the significant advantages of using recycled concrete aggregate is its lower energy consumption during production compared to traditional concrete. The recycling process requires less energy and reduces the need for natural resources, such as virgin aggregate and water. 

Additionally, using RCA helps to decrease the environmental impact associated with mining and quarrying natural aggregates. It also reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfill sites, promoting a more sustainable construction industry.

Advantages of Using Recycled Concrete Aggregate


One of the primary advantages of using recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is its cost-effectiveness. RCA is generally less expensive than quarried stone due to the lower costs associated with sourcing and processing.

This can result in significant savings for construction projects. Additionally, companies using RCA may be eligible for tax rebates and incentives for employing sustainable practices, further enhancing the cost savings.

Environmental Benefits

Recycled concrete aggregate offers substantial environmental benefits. By using RCA, the amount of construction waste sent to landfill sites is significantly reduced, which helps in conserving landfill space.

Recycling concrete also reduces the need for mining natural aggregates, thereby preserving natural resources and minimising environmental degradation. This practice promotes a more sustainable construction industry.

Performance Benefits

RCA is known for its durability and suitability for various ground conditions, including wet or soft soils. Its rough texture enhances the bonding properties in concrete mixes, leading to strong and durable construction materials. 

Additionally, RCA has improved water absorption properties compared to traditional concrete, which can be beneficial in specific applications requiring better drainage and seepage control.

Uses of Recycled Concrete Aggregate

Construction Applications

Recycled concrete aggregate is highly versatile and can be used in various construction applications. It is particularly effective for compaction purposes, making it ideal for building foundations.

RCA is also suitable for use in wet or soft ground conditions, providing a stable and durable base for construction projects.

Specific Uses

Beyond general construction applications, RCA is used in several specific scenarios. It serves as an excellent material for pipe bedding, offering stability and protection for underground pipes. RCA is also commonly used for backfilling trenches and landscaping projects.

Additionally, Armstrongs produces specialised recycled aggregates such as 6F2 and 6F5, a durable aggregate formed from crushed concrete or brick hardcore, and green MOT Type 1, a blend of clean quarry stone and quality aggregates.

Armstrongs’ Commitment to Quality and Sustainability

Our Production Process

At Armstrongs, we use state-of-the-art machinery and advanced processes to produce high-quality recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). Our sites are equipped with the latest crushing and screening technology to make sure that the aggregate produced meets the highest standards of consistency and performance.

Each step of our production process, from collection to refining, is carefully managed to maintain the quality of our recycled concrete materials. This commitment to excellence guarantees that our RCA is reliable, durable, and suitable for a wide range of construction applications.

Environmental Responsibility

Armstrongs is dedicated to reducing environmental impact through sustainable practices. One of our key initiatives is the production of recycled aggregate at our Head Office in Horwich. By recycling concrete and other construction materials, we minimise the amount of waste sent to landfill sites and reduce the need for virgin aggregate.

This not only conserves natural resources but also lowers the carbon footprint of our operations. Our commitment to sustainability in construction ensures that our practices contribute to a healthier environment and a more sustainable future.

Learn more about Armstrongs’ Aggregates

For more information on each of Armstrongs’ aggregates, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team. Call 01204 668021 or send us an email today!