Culture And Ethos In The Workplace

When we first started writing this blog we explored many different themes and topics to discuss. The idea behind this was to give our audience a different look into our business, and to inform people about what we do. In this blog we want to give you an in-depth look at our people and our staff. In the first instalment of this particular blog, we will be discussing working culture and ethos and how it thrives.
Head Office
Based in Horwich, just off Chorley New Road, our head office is home to not just only our physical offices but also our AMIX Concrete plant and our stone workshop too. After the working day is done the yard at our head office then transforms into a depot for our trucks, all 70 of them!
As with any larger business, our head office is always a hive of activity and today is no exception. As I write this blog entry on the Tuesday afternoon before it is released on the Friday, We have our accounts department working hard on tickets that arrive in their office. Our transport and sales teams are dealing with inbound and outbound enquiries as well as arranging all the logistics that go with transporting aggregates and all forms of stone material.
As for myself, I work on our Digital marketing and Web content. I create content calendars and implement marketing strategies whilst dealing with any IT problems in the office. We also have our company directors who are extremely hands on and not afraid to get stuck in and help out. Finally at our head office we have our HR manager who has a range of responsibilities from recruitment to employee incentives and much more.
Now that we have briefly covered the working structure at our head office let us now explore the working culture in the office and how it is harvested.
Harvesting A Productive Culture
There is a popular saying that goes “A happy workforce is a productive workforce” that relates to every single business in the world. It is a proven fact that statistically workers who have higher job satisfaction will be more productive, this boils down quite simply to investing in people both physically and financially. If you invest in people, they are more likely to invest in you.
I want to tell you a little anecdote about one of my first weeks working for Armstrongs Group. It was about a month into my employment and our CEO was walking through the office chatting to the staff. He walks into my office and what he asked me actually took me back a bit. He asked me if I was happy, but more importantly, asked if I was going home happy and if my partner could see that I was happy. Now this may seem like a small deal to some people, but to me this meant a lot. In all my years working, never had I ever had my employer ask about, not only my happiness, but my partner’s happiness too. I knew from that moment that I was in the right place.
Culture and ethos are a born naturally, as a business you can attempt to influence both, but ultimately it is something that is subconsciously bred by employees. There is always a desirable work culture that is chased by employers and that can be ushered in the right direction with the aid of the recruitment process.
The Armstrongs Group recruit with three things in mind, experience, passion and personality. Once you start looking at recruitment as a jigsaw finding the right pieces to fit the puzzle, rather than an incessant need to fill an empty role, you can start to influence company culture and ethos.
Although our directors are hands on in the business they encourage employee autonomy. Employees are encouraged to think for themselves, and act in the business’ best interest. This freedom really allows for creativity in all forms to thrive, and creative thinking breeds creative culture.
Here in the accounts office (and HR too!) we have a daily lunch club called Salad Club. The concept is simple- each day one member of our team makes a salad for everybody else, taking it in turns as to who the days “chef” is. This small and seemingly irrespective task has a big influence on our culture in our offices. It gives us something to look forward to, allows us to try potential new foods and puts your lunch trust (the best part of the day!) in someone else’s hands.
We also partake in Macmillan coffee morning every year, each member of the team drawing out the name of a baked good they need to make and bring into the office. Culture and ethos are bred naturally; it’s the small supposed insignificant actions and events that create the unique and complex layers of company culture.
The BBC released a fascinating article last year that touches on “The many upsides of a happy workforce” and is a must read for anyone who wants to understand how culture can be bred and influenced. More importantly this article directly correlates to the working life at Armstrongs group.
If you are passionate and experienced and want to be involved in the ever evolving state of our working culture and ethos, then we warmly welcome you to take a look at our careers page for our latest recruitment opportunities.